Creating a Link to a Specific Place on the Page in HTML

Jak wstawić hiperłącze HTML w notatniku?
Wstawiasz link <a href=”#nazwa_kotwicy”>Nazwa odsyłacza</a>, który po kliknięciu przesunie okno przeglądarki do miejsca gdzie zdefiniowałeś kotwicę. Cached
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Hyperlinks or links, as they are commonly known, are a fundamental aspect of the internet. They allow users to navigate through different web pages, making it easier to access information on the internet. One important aspect of creating a link on a page is the ability to link to a specific place on the page. This is particularly useful when dealing with long pages that require users to scroll through a lot of content to get to the specific information they need. In this article, we will explain how to make a link to a specific place on a page in HTML.

How to Insert a Hyperlink?

To create a link in HTML, you must use the anchor tag, which is represented as . The anchor tag is used to define a hyperlink and the content that should be clickable. Within the anchor tag, you must specify the URL that you want the user to navigate to when they click on the link. Here is an example of how to insert a hyperlink:

In the example above, the text „Click here to go to Example website” is the content that will be clickable. The URL that the user will be directed to when they click on the link is „”.

How to Enable a Hyperlink?

To enable a hyperlink, you must ensure that the URL specified within the anchor tag is valid and that the user has access to it. If the URL is invalid, the link will not work, and the user will receive an error message. Additionally, if the URL requires authentication, the user will need to provide the necessary credentials to access the content.

How to Link Pages in HTML?

To link pages in HTML, you must specify the URL of the page you want to link to within the anchor tag. For example, if you want to link to a page called „contact.html” in the same directory as the current page, you would use the following code:

If the page you want to link to is in a different directory, you would need to specify the path to the file, like so:

How to Change the Appearance of an HTML Link?

To change the appearance of an HTML link, you can use CSS. By default, links are underlined and appear in blue color in most web browsers. To change the color of the link, you can use the following code:

a {

color: red;


This code will change the color of all links on the page to red. To remove the underline from the links, you can use the following code:

a {

text-decoration: none;


In conclusion, linking to a specific place on a page is a useful technique to make it easier for users to access information on your website. By using the anchor tag in HTML, you can create a hyperlink and specify the URL that the user will navigate to when they click on the link. You can also customize the appearance of the link using CSS. With these tips, you can create effective links that make it easy for users to navigate your website.

How to make an image a link?

To make an image a link, you can use the HTML tag and wrap the tag inside it. Like this:


Description of the image


In this example, „” is the URL you want the image to link to. The tag contains the image file and its description. By wrapping the tag inside an tag, you create a clickable link that takes the user to the specified URL when they click on the image.